Tuesday, 2 August 2011

London Tri - First Olympic!


Finish 03: 02: 03

Swim 00: 43: 02

T1 00: 04 : 37

Bike 01: 10: 03

T2 00: 02: 34

Run 01: 01: 45

To say I was nervous looking at the swim the day before was probably an understatement and it didn’t change until I actually started the swim on Sunday. My anxiety was only fuelled finding out that there were 550 people in my wave – great!

The wave was split due to there being so many people, the first group obviously the confident lot and then the rest.

Once the swim started it was better than I thought, of course it was the longest I’d swam surrounded by lots of other people and I do mean lots of other people!

Some of the important things I was trying to remember was just to break the swim down into small sections, not to kick too much and don’t worry about other people. It was a long swim but much better than my shorter swim at Dorney a few weeks previously.

Thinking I was nearing the last turn buoy coming up I actually sped up slightly, only to realise that wasn’t the right one and I still had quite a bit to do before the final stretch – schoolboy error!

Eventually got out of the water, great to see my little boy and my long suffering girlfriend cheering me on and looking pleased I’d made it.

I was so pleased to have done the swim that I almost forgot I had 2 more events to do, so I got myself together and onto the bike.

The bike was quite uneventful just tried to keep at a half sensible pace, recover from the swim and not completely wear myself out for the run. The course was alright, quite flat-ish even though I did manage to get up to nearly 60km a few times, that’s seems quite quick on a bike especially when you can hardly see because your sunglasses are full of salt from sweating. (I soon realised I should clean them off).

Once again great to see Lynn & Sid cheering me on!

Out of transition 2 slightly quicker and looking forward to the run, the easy bit, yeh right. I felt tired, which I don’t normally when running, it was hot but my run should have been at least 10-15 minutes faster. I was laughing to myself that I just couldn’t get my running together as I thought this would be the easiest part for me – welcome to tri…….

It was great finishing around the 3 hour mark but knew it could have been better, that said the biggest achievement was being able to complete the swim. I’d say that was a bigger personal goal than completing a marathon even though the marathon was more physically draining.

The event itself was very big, obviously. A little bit like going to Westfields just for a pint of milk, next time a smaller maybe more picturesque event please.

Thanks for everyone’s advice and kind words, I look forward to many more events!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Sprint Tri at Dorney Lake - Eton School.


Sprint: 750 Swim 21:46 (seemed like 2 hours)

T1 1:38

20k Bike 41:11

T2 0:49

5K Run 22ish

Overall 1:27:34

Well the first race, I thought I’d be a little more nervous than I was but the kind words and advice really helped.

The lovely June weather was a real treat looking out of the window and seeing the rain come down sideways could only help my anxiety!

Bags and car packed, picked Lynn, my long-suffering girlfriend up from work and off to Dorney. Of course we were early, but the surroundings were fabulous and that stretch of water seemed to go on for miles…..

Registered, met lots of people and tried to soak up the atmosphere, just pleased to know that I wasn’t the only person doing this for the first time.

However, it was slightly daunting to see the odd ex Olympic athlete getting ready as well.

I thought I had loads of time, in fact I did, but messing around talking to people meant that I found myself in a rush to get my bike racked. I looked around to see what I should be doing, took Olivia’s advice and got my bearings and then got ready.

I was in the second wave at 6:30, listened to the race brief next to the water with about 50 – 60 other people and got ready to enter the water; still not overly nervous. The water was warm at 18 degrees and the horn went, we were off. I made sure I stayed at the back for my first race out of trouble.

My swim was terrible, really really terrible!!

I just couldn’t get it together, I even had thoughts about stopping but then had a strong word with myself to get on with it. I eventually dragged myself round with no rhythm at all and a combination of some freestyle and ashamed to say some breaststroke; I know I’m not a great swimmer but I’m certainly better than that – lots of work needed before July 29th.

I wasn’t the last out but very close.

21:46 (seemed like 2 hours!)

Jelly legs into T1, I’m sure someone played a trick and moved my bike or maybe that was me. Changed and onto the bike needing to make up a bit of time, really enjoyed this section it’s the first time I’d been in that environment but the 6.00am sessions in Regents Park have definitely helped.

With the words “Spin don’t mash!” going through my mind to save my legs on the run – thanks once again Olivia!

It was 6 laps and taking me about 7 mins a lap, I knew I needed to be off the bike by 7:40. The time I was aiming for was around the 1:40 mark.

Bike 41:00

So into T2, bike racked eventually, off on the run.

Grabbed a banana, not a good idea, threw that away and had some water instead. Took the run easy for the first bit to get my legs use to the change and then enjoyed the final push knowing that I was about to complete my first event in preparation for the longer one shortly!

Run 22:00.

It was a brilliant experience and I’m so glad swimming is first, I need to work hard on this to make it to bike and run in one piece.

Coming across the line made me proud, of course, nearly being sick but smiling at the same time in 1:27 yippee!!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

A new chapter, time for a new challenge - Triathlons.....

Since the marathon I've been just ticking by with the training but the biggest thing bar none is trying to swim, properly!

It's not that I can't swim and I've always been able to plod, but sometimes look like the washing machine has caught me in the spin cycle, but to be able to swim a couple of miles, slightly different gravy.

So I've been having swimming lessons for a couple of months, 'on and off' now and I'm getting better, well, not quite as much splashing.
I use to tease my dear girlfriend that swimming wasn't a real sport and you couldn't really get out of breath; how wrong could I be especially now my 10 year old boy is in a swimming club and a brilliant swimmer!!!

I've been running a couple of times a week, not far maybe 6 -8 miles at a time and an interval session, also a circuits class or 2 when I have the time; it's great to train in a group.

Now it's time to start to piece it all together. My friend Andy, the man who helped me through the marathon training has decided it's time to move back to Australia, I'm gutted!! (I know that's really selfish but I can't express what a huge influence and help he was getting me over the start and finish line of that last challenge, I will miss him) I of course wish him and Catherine all the success and happiness returning home and on the next part of their journey. Maybe one day a little run with Andy might not be out of the question in warmer climates.

Last week I planned with Andy my schedule of training for the next few months, there doesn't seem to be too many free days?!

There's going to be a tremendous amount of time juggling to balance a work, home, relationship and Sid life, the nights are getting shorter now that means there's more hours in the day, right?

Well let the games begin.......