Tuesday, 25 January 2011

A new chapter, time for a new challenge - Triathlons.....

Since the marathon I've been just ticking by with the training but the biggest thing bar none is trying to swim, properly!

It's not that I can't swim and I've always been able to plod, but sometimes look like the washing machine has caught me in the spin cycle, but to be able to swim a couple of miles, slightly different gravy.

So I've been having swimming lessons for a couple of months, 'on and off' now and I'm getting better, well, not quite as much splashing.
I use to tease my dear girlfriend that swimming wasn't a real sport and you couldn't really get out of breath; how wrong could I be especially now my 10 year old boy is in a swimming club and a brilliant swimmer!!!

I've been running a couple of times a week, not far maybe 6 -8 miles at a time and an interval session, also a circuits class or 2 when I have the time; it's great to train in a group.

Now it's time to start to piece it all together. My friend Andy, the man who helped me through the marathon training has decided it's time to move back to Australia, I'm gutted!! (I know that's really selfish but I can't express what a huge influence and help he was getting me over the start and finish line of that last challenge, I will miss him) I of course wish him and Catherine all the success and happiness returning home and on the next part of their journey. Maybe one day a little run with Andy might not be out of the question in warmer climates.

Last week I planned with Andy my schedule of training for the next few months, there doesn't seem to be too many free days?!

There's going to be a tremendous amount of time juggling to balance a work, home, relationship and Sid life, the nights are getting shorter now that means there's more hours in the day, right?

Well let the games begin.......