Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Definite last long run....and close to tears!

The longest training run before D-day, well Big 'M-Day' is more like it!

I'd been looking forward to this run for a long time, I knew the route and it was a case of seeing if I was up to it:

Home down to Limehouse about 8 miles, then even further east towards Canary Warf, pick up the Thames pathway, Embankment, Westminster, Birdcage Walk, St. James (this is the final part of the marathon!), then Hyde Park, couple laps of the Serpentine, Marylebone, Regents Pk, then for some ridiculous reason over the top of Primrose Hill and home - 22.5miles, get in!!

I started off well, felt comfortable but had to slow down as the miles were a bit quick, I knew I'd pay for them later, so I tried to keep round the 9 - 9:30 per mile mark. Listening to Ministry Of Sound - Running Trax.

I've tried putting compilations of my own tunes together to try to think of certain people whilst running, this doesn't have a good effect on me, it's an emotional roller-coaster at the best of times on the long runs, the best thing for me to listen to is mind numbing banging tunes, this just keeps me away from those dark places!!!

I took 6 gels for the run and made sure to keep the water levels were well topped up, there were a few times when I felt hungry, 2 pieces of toast are not enough. I must fuel up's still a steep learning curve for me.

Running these distances on your own is hard work, the next time I train for something like this I think that I'll join a club or get a running / training partner.
Sid has been fantastic, but anything over 15 miles for a 9 year old on his bike is a little too hard, (and possibly Ester Ranson at Child Line would have something to say)...

It's a similar story for me on the long runs, periods of great times and other challenging times, overall though, incredibly rewarding. It's great to take yourself completely out of your comfort zone and this definitely does.
Throughout the run I keep checking to see how each part of my body feels, like a top to bottom MOT, it helps because the smallest adjustment really assists.
My knees gave me problems for a while, these didn't trouble me on this run and of course I was still concerned about the pull in my thigh, thankfully seemed ok.

I completed the run round about the 3:40 - 45 mark, of course I was pleased to have covered the distance.

So, got home had some peanut butter toast and a bath.
Physically didn't feel too bad, all things considered, but after getting out of the bath and reflecting about it, felt really emotional - this is a very alien feeling for me generally!

I was almost close to tears, I had to pull myself together and have a proper word with myself.....bloody hell.....nobody said this was going to be easy but this is madness!!!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Boggy and Sandy runs.....

The weeks running has been great, so far!

After the long run last week I've taken a little time for recovery and only run 3 times.
I woke up on Tuesday morning early, with the sun actually streaming through the window so how could I resist an hour running across the Heath. Still nice and boggy under foot, running past Kenwood House it doesn't get much better!

So I ran around, made it to the top of Parliament Hill and watched London wake up across the city, fantastic.
I then made it back home and made my way to the gym for an hour's session with Andy.

We had a movement and stretching session and he seems quite pleased with my flexibility and movement; I have been working hard since my injury in this area so I was chuffed with his comments.
We discussed the day of the marathon and all the preparation required, his experience and knowledge really, really helps me!
I have a huge amount of respect for everything he's achieved in his career and how he is as a person and communicator.

On Wednesday I had my friend from work staying, Colman, he's training for a 5k so we went for a short run into the Heath. Good fun.

Friday lunchtime run was great, I was in Dorset so was able to do a beach run.
I worked hard, the sand is hard work!

I did 3 sets of quicker pace than I would normally run between 8 & 12 minutes each with a 5 minute run in between, sounds easier than it was......

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Naked running, well nearly....22 miles!......

I only have 2 long runs left to do before the marathon so today was one of them!

I was aiming for round about the 22 mark, which just seems ridiculous from a couple of moths ago.

To be able to run with just a t-shirt and vest with no long shorts, it's almost like being naked, great!

So the route: I got the tube to Hammersmith, made my way down to Hyde Pk, down past Buck House weaving past the tourists, through the parks, Whitehall, Westminster and on to Embankment, all the way along the Thames path past Tower Bridge then the Tower. Eventually made it to Limehouse then back towards Victoria Pk, along the canal to Islington, Holloway Rd then a real teaser, Highgate Hill; maybe not the best way to finish!!

It was a bloody long way, but I did feel better than doing the 17 the other day, surprisingly.
There were spells where I felt comfortable, not too many, the first 4 - 5 miles are always taxing I don't know why?

I always run on my own which is obviously very solitary, it's nice to smile at other runners, (not everyone, in a mad staring fashion, you get arrested for that!) you get a little lift and sometimes a nod of acknowledgement, this definitely helps.

I'm really trying to concentrate on my technique attempting to reserve energy and be efficient, all the advice from Andy keeps going through my head. This has been an incredible adventure so far.

I took on lots of water and had 5 gels.

Overall, I'm pleased to have been able to cover the distance in about 3 & 3/4 hours, madness!!!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Really didn't like that, at all........

I should be much happier than I am with today's run, but I didn't enjoy it one little bit!

Prepared well, good stretching, piece of toast and off.
The route, well the suppose route: Home, Kings Cross, into the City down to Tower Bridge, along the Thames Pathway (west), Embankment, Hyde Park, St. Johns Wood, Primrose Hill and home.

Got lost around Commercial Rd, well didn't actual find Commercial Rd!
Ended up running around seeing all the sites Tower 42 and the Gerkin just trying to cut through to Tower Bridge, I eventually made it but by this time completely lost any intended rhythm.

It was good running the route that Sid and I had cycled last Saturday.

When I made it to Hyde Pk. I was feeling quite tired and lethargic again, had my second gel and cracked on. It wasn't cold just the odd spit of rain, quite good running weather, couldn't get it together.
I ploughed on but it was a slog, I was really pleased to get home and get in the bath!

In reflection, and after Andy giving me some experienced words!

1. I didn't get any pain or discomfort in my leg that has been injured.
2. Managed 17 miles under 10 mins pace.

"It's not always going to be fun, there will be good days and bad days. Some days it's just about getting the job done!"

Seems fair, I should be happy with that, ok I am!!!!

(still didn't like it.......)

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A tired hilly run....

Lunch time run today, the first try since my injury doing a run with varying speed.

Still cold, still need the layers, winter is hanging on by it's fingernails! Rubbish!!

The run was about 6.5 miles having spirt's for about a minute at a time just to see if the muscle had healed, it didn't feel too bad, I was a little nervous though.
I chose quite a hilly route, but that was my choice I ended up running through the Heath.

I felt lethargic and a breathless for some of the run, I hope I haven't lost too much fitness, my run on Monday seemed ok.
Perhaps it could have been that the day before I swam for 40 minutes, maybe I should have taken it a bit easier. I won't train on Thursday and do 16 on Friday and see how I feel.

Monday, 8 March 2010

An EASY 10 miler....

After a busy weekend I was looking forward to getting back training as it's only weeks to go now and not months!

It's been cold all day so 3 layers still needed but it is bright, the days are getting longer which is fantastic I'm really not a winter person.

So the route: Home, Kings Cross, Regents Canal towards Camden through Regents Pk onto Hyde Pk and then finish in Hammersmith.

My strict instructions from Andy, an EASY 10 miler!

I really enjoyed the run, the first 2 - 4 miles never seem that great but once you get going and get into a rhythm it's all good. I was conscious of my recent injury but thankfully it didn't trouble me, although this is still a constant pace, the injury seemed to arise when I was doing alternating pace. So I need to be aware of that the next time I do a fartlek session.

The pace was round about 9:30 per mile which felt quite comfortable, if I could maintain, or slightly improve on this for 26.2 miles I will be pleased!

In reflection, to be able to do a 10 mile run as an easy workout is a great achievement and I mustn't forget from where I have started. This may be the only marathon or long distance run I do, but I some how doubt it!

Still some hard work left, but lets start enjoying the training again!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Running by the sea and a boys bike ride....

I was in Dorset for the day so I took the opportunity to get a lunchtime run in along the beach at Mudeford. I was still having to take it easy and not run too hard.

The weather and the setting were fantastic it was actually warm! (I'm still dreading that my first marathon will be hot; it'll be a really cruel trick after all of the cold horrible weather through the winter!)

I ran along the beach which was either tarmac or sand, the sand is quite hard going but fun.

It was amazing to be running with the sun out and a bright, almost warm day. I only ran 5 miles (44mins) and the leg felt a little twingy a couple of times, but overall not bad.
It's good to be back running.

Over the weekend Sid came up to London, we did a bike ride as I couldn't run so was taking it easy. We had a brilliant time he is becoming really good and strong on his bike, we see the top of Canary Wharf from loads of places in London so decided to ride to it!

We went along the canal to LimeHouse then to Canada Tower then back along the Thames Pathway, taking in loads of sites on the way.

It was about a 20 mile bike ride and brilliant fun!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

More pain and a tube journey home!

The next run was due to be a shorter of a long run only 16 miles! How times have changed....

My programme should now be aimed a little more towards speed after my discussions with Andy; so this run is set out like this: 2 m normal pace, 3 m @ 8:45 pace x 3 over the 16 miles.
Route: The Limehouse basin run along the canal.

Started off on the run feeling really good, quite comfortable and a good pace, the 3 mile quicker pace is different but felt good - reach 5 under 44mins, pleased. Drinking well and taking gels when needed. I reached the half way point @ 1:11 hrs so my goal was to be back by 2:30hrs.

Got through the second quick session fine, it was really windy but nice to be out and enjoying the run! Then when I reached the 10 - 11 mile mark I felt an ache in my right thigh, so, gave it a good stretch and cracked-on, annoyingly this only got worse. I tried to run slower then quicker just trying to run it off, but it was not going, it felt like a dead leg and cramp mixed together - what a lovely combination!

By this point, I'm really pissed off! Running well, enjoying it and a stupid thing like this happens, did the normal things, stopped had a good stretch had some strong words with myself (the normal ones, "what would you do if this was the race, etc??!!" but genuinely no good).

I normally have money with me, but of course today, none!

I made it to the nearest tube, Highbury & Islington and pleaded with the guard to let me through to get a tube with no way to pay, he was good a gold and let me on. Eventually got home, very deflated, obviously. Had a bath and moped around for a bit alternating between peas and sweetcorn to try and bring out any bruising!

Next day got an appointment at Gavin's, my friendly osteopath - diagnosis strained abductor muscle, great - to quote "which is sticking out like a guitar string" - fantastic!
Had some great treatment (if you're into pain being inflicted upon you until someone needs to peal you off of the ceiling!) but at least we know what it is.

More recovery - another session with Gavin on Monday, some acupuncture this time, not quite as sore.

Gavin informs me that I've over done it, slightly!

All strapped up and ready to go.....

After about a million stretches over the past few days to make my "adductor" muscle better it was time for a 20 - 25 min run, just a couple of miles. So I had to strap myself up with a sticky crete bandage and I'm off!

I was a little sheepish as the last time running ended up with a tube journey, it felt alright, I only ran down to the Heath by the running track, then home.

It was all over so quickly!

Thankfully, seems ok, just need to be careful......