Monday, 8 March 2010

An EASY 10 miler....

After a busy weekend I was looking forward to getting back training as it's only weeks to go now and not months!

It's been cold all day so 3 layers still needed but it is bright, the days are getting longer which is fantastic I'm really not a winter person.

So the route: Home, Kings Cross, Regents Canal towards Camden through Regents Pk onto Hyde Pk and then finish in Hammersmith.

My strict instructions from Andy, an EASY 10 miler!

I really enjoyed the run, the first 2 - 4 miles never seem that great but once you get going and get into a rhythm it's all good. I was conscious of my recent injury but thankfully it didn't trouble me, although this is still a constant pace, the injury seemed to arise when I was doing alternating pace. So I need to be aware of that the next time I do a fartlek session.

The pace was round about 9:30 per mile which felt quite comfortable, if I could maintain, or slightly improve on this for 26.2 miles I will be pleased!

In reflection, to be able to do a 10 mile run as an easy workout is a great achievement and I mustn't forget from where I have started. This may be the only marathon or long distance run I do, but I some how doubt it!

Still some hard work left, but lets start enjoying the training again!

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