Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A tired hilly run....

Lunch time run today, the first try since my injury doing a run with varying speed.

Still cold, still need the layers, winter is hanging on by it's fingernails! Rubbish!!

The run was about 6.5 miles having spirt's for about a minute at a time just to see if the muscle had healed, it didn't feel too bad, I was a little nervous though.
I chose quite a hilly route, but that was my choice I ended up running through the Heath.

I felt lethargic and a breathless for some of the run, I hope I haven't lost too much fitness, my run on Monday seemed ok.
Perhaps it could have been that the day before I swam for 40 minutes, maybe I should have taken it a bit easier. I won't train on Thursday and do 16 on Friday and see how I feel.

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