Saturday, 24 April 2010

That's it....nothing more I can do!

Well, the eve before all that I've trained for over the last months. There has definitely been blood, sweat, tears, emotional and physical pain, so now it should be easy, right?

On Wednesday I made my way across to the Excel centre to register, got my name printed on my vest (a little concerned that the letters might effect my performance, additional weight you see!), collected my number and chip, that's it no backing out now.
I don't know if the event was meant to suppress my anxiety or feed it, it seemed to do both in equal least there's nearly 40, 000 other people feeling the same. My only real concern is just how hot it's going to be, but there's nothing I can do about that just take on lots of fluid the day before and during.

Of course I phoned Andy on the way back, who of course, settled my nerves with some sensible advice.

I managed to get a hat, it does look like a swimming cap but that's fine it should do a job. I also bought another undervest t-shirt. Got home and went for the final run before the race, just a short half an hour across to the Heath - HOT!
The new t-shirt I'd bought seems to rub me on the stitching so I won't be wearing that one!

So on the training front, all done, nothing more I can do just keep the stretching going and get my head right for the day.

Picked Sid up from school on Friday and drove back to London, Lynn had prepared our own pasta party at home - brilliant. The most important members of my support team are back together at the crucial time, without their help I could not have got anywhere near the stage I'm at now. When I think of the times when Sid was on his bike next to me, Sherborne Hill, Regents Park (being chased by dogs!), Camden canal runs and so many more, with him helping me - "Come on Daddy!" (and quite a few times of me pushing him up the hills).
Getting home and Lynn waiting with the drinks, toast and a hot bath.....trying to get me normal again.

The messages of support from my pals and everyone who has sponsored me have been amazing, it gives me a real boost.

Today is a relaxed day at home, kit checked, just sewed a pocket into my shorts for additional gels and try and keep my feet's really boring now, I just want to get it done!

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