Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Words of wisdom from Andy.....

Back to London with all of the New Forest events behind us, for a while!
To normality some would say, another way to look at it, the longer you stay in the country the more relaxed and accepting of the slowness you become.

Went for a run across the Heath on Tuesday, it does seem to be getting was a lunchtime run for about 5 - 6 miles, good fun.
My legs felt a little heavy and was a bit tired, need to make sure I rest properly.

I needed to see Andy as the days are getting closer. I saw him on Wednesday, we just sat and talked, for the best part of an hour and a half. He has been undoubtedly the most helpful, inspirational and honest influence on me throughout this journey; again his knowledge and direction is a real help to me.

I do actually have a decent level of common sense but this sometimes disappears with running so its just trying to get the simple things right.

Fluids, fuel, pacing, what time to arrive, toilet visits we covered them all.....and then I still had questions, but he's patient!

That was that; last session with him!

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