Friday, 9 April 2010

That's the reason I run!!

Well I thought that if I'm in the New Forest where better to do one of my final runs, but it's really hot - great!!

I packed myself off, with a couple of gels water bottle and no hat; how hot could it be?!
I knew the route I was taking was going to be hilly and exposed as Lynn and I drove it the night before.

It was absolutely fantastic to be running through the forest the scenery, the animals, the weather - all good.
My pace was round about the 9:20 mark for the first 5-6miles, then I went into another area called Bolder quite hilly and some fantastic house's, lovely place.

It made a great change to be running in the country instead of London, it also wets my appetite further for fell and countryside adventures after the city marathon, but lets get one challenge completed first!

I met up with some characters along the way, a group of walkers who fancied a race up a steep hill, thankfully did alright against them (quite pleased as they were carrying ruck sacks!) and a lovely man watering his garden who filled up my water bottle and didn't laugh at me, much, when I couldn't get the lid off! (must have swollen up in the heat....)

It doesn't happen many times to me but when it does its quite a brilliant feeling and that is the feeling of running whilst hardly moving. When you actually feel like you are floating along, it must be a similar feeling when a surfer catches the perfect wave, there are so many cliche's I could use but you get the picture. This lasted for a few miles and I just wanted to run and run!

If I enjoy the marathon anywhere near this run I'll be a very happy and lucky man.

In summary, 12.5 miles and a pace of 9:30 - 40 pace - Sunburnt head to-boot!

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