Monday, 30 November 2009

Off again....

I needed a get together with Andy to get me back on the straight and narrow, I managed to see him last Thursday, we had a good session concentrating on my ankle and mind!

The ankle is fine just damaged from my sprain, lots of stretching, movement exercises on a regular basis obviously getting it back to full strength.

My main concern was getting my head in the place it was a couple of weeks ago and the training on track again. I discussed my thoughts with Andy which always helps, just being able to talk to someone, who has forgot more than I will ever know about running, is a great help.

I think it comes down to the fact that if you can't do something to your full ability and give 100%
'why do it at all?'
I'm very conscious that statement doesn't work for all people, like the whole argument about it's not the winning it's the taking part, brigade.

Now I don't suggest for one minute that I will be winning marathons or any races in fact, but I do believe that you get out what you put in. (I hope that's true when I'm struggling to drag my backside towards the finishing line)....
Perhaps this has been the reason that I've felt down about the training because I couldn't train, but lets move on. Andy assures me that I'm bound to get injured more before April, unless I'm very lucky!! (So, note to self, get it together).

Saturday: It's still rainy and cold and seems to have been raining for weeks now. Sid was in London for the weekend, just a boy's weekend as Lynn was away. So we hadn't run together for a couple of weeks, I wrapped him up warm I told him we would be out along time.

I started off a little gingerly but got into it with no pain, the route: D.P.Hill, Kings Cross, Cannel to Regents Pk, Primrose Hill, Haverstock Hill, Hampstead and then finished off through the Heath.

The pace was more of a plod than a decent run, this was due to a couple off things:
1. I had to help Sid up the steep hills, this was very funny though!
2. I wanted to make sure that I could run over an hour and a half again.

Overall, I was pleased that I'm back running again, it was good even though a little slow. This will have to change...

Time :1.48hr
Average 10.10.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

it's just been rubbish!!........

Training had been going great for me until a couple of weeks ago.

I went back to my parents for the weekend with Sid and got up early on the Sunday with him ready for a decent run. We had the route, Sid on his bike and me running, we were going to do a long run around Sherborne where we use to live.

It was very wet from the rain over the previous week, but not when we started out. It was a great cross country route we took but unfortunately after 3 - 4 miles I sprained my ankle!
I've damaged ligaments in both ankles whilst playing football but this time it felt different, I tried to run on for about a mile but it was no good..... we made our way back to the car, I was incredibly disappointed.
Treated it as much as possible with ice and hot bath.

I spoke to Andy and told him of my stupid injury, he was very supportive; I managed to get in to see Gavin Burt to assess my ankle. He confirmed that nothing was broken (thankfully!!!), he treated me with some acupuncture this was the first time I'd had it. It's a strange sensation but overall the experience helped me. Gavin is great.
I didn't train all week until Sunday night which was a half hour run on the treadmill, it went ok.

I know that it was only an ankle injury but it really set me back, I became despondent, I must get it together again and get in the right frame of mind.

The entire journey is a real test as I've mentioned before, it's so much a mental test as a physical one, if it was easy everyone would do it.

I ran today my first outside run, I'm still conscious of my injury. The first 2 miles were hard but I got into it again. I'll now crack on!!

Route: D.P.Hill, Highgate, Spanyards, The Heath and Home.
Time 46:38 Distance 5.00 Average 9.17.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

damp, with cold periods....

Training has been good this week but at the back of my mind I haven't been looking forward to my 2.15 hr run. So, early Sunday morning cup of tea and a piece of toast, some stretches and I'm off....

This will be my longest run since the half, lots to remember but most of all, enjoy it.
The route is a big circle from: home, D.P.Hill, Kings Cross, Holborn, Embankment, Westminster, St. James Pk, Hyde Pk, Marylebone, Regents Pk, Primrose Hill, Haverstock Hill, Southend Green, Gospel Oak and home.

I went through some differing periods, some where I felt really comfortable, others where I struggled to get it together and some where I actually felt cold. The weather wasn't great for a quiet stroll through the park but good for running, it was towards the middle of the run through Hyde Pk. when I was cold; no reason though, just carried on.

I had one gel and a bottle of water, it seems my stamina still needs improvement as I was flagging towards the end of the run. I was pleased with my time at the 13.1 mile stage, 2:04, this was quicker than the race.

Time 2:15hr Distance 14:20 and an average of 9:33. (8:30a.m.).

Longest run, pleased with my efforts, I ran alone.

Friday, 6 November 2009

is this a recovery run?

Left my bike at work and didn't fancy the tube, my legs were slightly heavy from last nights hilly run; it was a great morning so I ran to work.

It's mostly down hill and flat from home D.P.Hill, Kings Cross, York Way, Holborn and work.

The distance is about 3.5miles and it took 31 mins, good start to the day.

I've got a 2.25hour long run to do next, I'll do this Sunday or Monday.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

it's getting a bit choppy....

I've actually got some warmer clothes, it's all about the layers. No more vests / t-shirts and short shorts, this does make me sound like a German tourist I'm sure it wasn't that bad!
However, it does make you feel better with some warmer kit when it's cold, what a revelation!

I ran home from work, I incorporated short bursts and jogging. Route from Chancery Lane, Greys Inn Rd, Kings Cross, Tufnell Pk, D.P.Hill, Chetwynd Rd, Highgate West Hill (I find this the steepest and hardest, made it up in 6.5mins, pleased) and finished via Highgate then D.P.Hill.

I tried to really dig in hard when I hit the hills, trying to ignore them and just keep a good pace, my pace was 32seconds for 90, this was similar from the long run on Monday, Andy says I need to be at 30 so I will keep trying.

The distance thing wasn't working on my watch so I don't know how far, the time was 56:08 so I guess the distance was about 6.5ish.

I really enjoyed the run!

Monday, 2 November 2009

always prepare before......

Tonight was my long run.
I always say to my boy before we leave the house go to the toilet, at 38 of course I don't need to listen to my own advice....
So my plan before the run and the route I planned and took, was from home, Primrose Hill, Regents Pk, Hyde Pk, Kensington, Olympia and eventually Hammersmith.

Had a really good run, started off too quickly 2 miles in I was roundabout 16.5 mins. I remember Andy's advice from the half, so I slowed up. Kept running with a slight gurglley stomach, I thought this would just ease off, it didn't! At the end of Hyde Pk, found a toilet.....
(I also nearly fell over, I ran along the pavement by the trees and didn't see a root, thank god it was dark, actually that was the problem; note to self run where you can see....)

I was disappointed that I hadn't prepared properly and it brook up my run, however, I am still learning! Took me about a mile to get back into my stride, met Lynn from work, I was pleased with my efforts.

Time: 1:37 Distance: 10.80 Average 9.04

My goal would be to get to 8:00 miles, I feel I'm quite a bit away from this but I can see improvement already, you need to have targets!!