Wednesday, 25 November 2009

it's just been rubbish!!........

Training had been going great for me until a couple of weeks ago.

I went back to my parents for the weekend with Sid and got up early on the Sunday with him ready for a decent run. We had the route, Sid on his bike and me running, we were going to do a long run around Sherborne where we use to live.

It was very wet from the rain over the previous week, but not when we started out. It was a great cross country route we took but unfortunately after 3 - 4 miles I sprained my ankle!
I've damaged ligaments in both ankles whilst playing football but this time it felt different, I tried to run on for about a mile but it was no good..... we made our way back to the car, I was incredibly disappointed.
Treated it as much as possible with ice and hot bath.

I spoke to Andy and told him of my stupid injury, he was very supportive; I managed to get in to see Gavin Burt to assess my ankle. He confirmed that nothing was broken (thankfully!!!), he treated me with some acupuncture this was the first time I'd had it. It's a strange sensation but overall the experience helped me. Gavin is great.
I didn't train all week until Sunday night which was a half hour run on the treadmill, it went ok.

I know that it was only an ankle injury but it really set me back, I became despondent, I must get it together again and get in the right frame of mind.

The entire journey is a real test as I've mentioned before, it's so much a mental test as a physical one, if it was easy everyone would do it.

I ran today my first outside run, I'm still conscious of my injury. The first 2 miles were hard but I got into it again. I'll now crack on!!

Route: D.P.Hill, Highgate, Spanyards, The Heath and Home.
Time 46:38 Distance 5.00 Average 9.17.

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