Monday, 2 November 2009

always prepare before......

Tonight was my long run.
I always say to my boy before we leave the house go to the toilet, at 38 of course I don't need to listen to my own advice....
So my plan before the run and the route I planned and took, was from home, Primrose Hill, Regents Pk, Hyde Pk, Kensington, Olympia and eventually Hammersmith.

Had a really good run, started off too quickly 2 miles in I was roundabout 16.5 mins. I remember Andy's advice from the half, so I slowed up. Kept running with a slight gurglley stomach, I thought this would just ease off, it didn't! At the end of Hyde Pk, found a toilet.....
(I also nearly fell over, I ran along the pavement by the trees and didn't see a root, thank god it was dark, actually that was the problem; note to self run where you can see....)

I was disappointed that I hadn't prepared properly and it brook up my run, however, I am still learning! Took me about a mile to get back into my stride, met Lynn from work, I was pleased with my efforts.

Time: 1:37 Distance: 10.80 Average 9.04

My goal would be to get to 8:00 miles, I feel I'm quite a bit away from this but I can see improvement already, you need to have targets!!

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