Sunday, 13 December 2009

Cross country...Andy's Heath extension....and he's over!!

So one of my runs from Andy is to do hills and the Heath between 45 - 90 mins, also one of the new routes for me is the Heath extension.
Weather cold, lots of rain recently so a bit slippy under foot.
Route: D.P.Hill, Highgate, Hampstead Lane, Spaniards, Heath extension, Heath and home.

It was just the type of day that I use to enjoy playing football in, it was great sliding through the paths, leaves and puddles, it was heavy going but fun.

Once I came out of the extension area (which I will explore further), I picked up the road that led to the top of the Heath.

I normally go into the Heath opposite the pond at the top, but for some reason missed the entrance.

I took another pathway in which was thin and windy, it was muddy and got steep in places and then I had a comedy moment just like I was in a cartoon! My legs were going really fast unfortunately my body was going in a different direction, (some would say my normal running style!!) and I was over, actually a grown man on the floor at 38 years of age no less. Well, I gathered my thoughts and managed eventually to stop laughing out loud and ran on.....

It was an enjoyable outing if not a little eventful....

Distance: 7:47 Time: 1:14 Average: 9.52

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