Tuesday, 15 December 2009

lunchtime, fast and slow....

As I may have mentioned works quite busy at the moment, Monday I was out of the house at 6.00am for a meeting in Ireland got back at 11.30pm. Tuesday out of the house at 7.00am armed with my running gear and straight to the office.

One of my other runs is interval training, this is how it went; route: Chancery Lane, Tottenham Court Rd, Marylebone, Regents Pk. and then returned. The run consisted of jog for 3 mins and fast pace for 4 mins, this isn't my favourite run, but I know it will eventually help my speed. I did this for 6 times and really enjoyed it, the first couple of miles were slightly hard going but then got into the session well.

I know that I shouldn't be bothered with my split times when I'm doing this run but you can't help trying to beat certain points; for example the 5 mile mark under 40mins and then the 10k point at 49.30. It's amazing that some days you have a run where you can see improvement and it gives you such a boost, it's the same in all walks of life, the rough with the smooth and all that.....

I hope I can take some of this into the long run at the weekend.

(Just by the way, got home from work at 11.00pm!!)

So in summary: Lunchtime run.

Distance: 8.00 Time: 1:04:43 Average: 8.05

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