Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Stopped work and got sick....

So I did my longest run so far 15 miles, had a great session with Andy and asked him to do me a hard programme for the Christmas period....and got sick!

I suppose it was inevitable, I'd been working long hours and training quite hard so my body was just saying, right listen now time just to chill for a while.

Now of course the normal thing to do is to give in and get better, this is just the opposite to what I did! My take on feeling poorly was to try and train outside in the freezing weather and show my cold/flu that I could beat it...that'll show it. The more I tried to train the worse I became, my performance was rubbish I could hardly breath, and the cold weather felt like someone was squeezing my chest in a vice. See, that certainly showed that cold...all the way to a chest infection...well done Trad.

Even when I knew I was still feeling rubbish I was concerned about going to the doctors in case they gave me antibiotics...I asked Andy's advice and true to form he reassured me...'go to the doctors and get better properly'; in summary! (He told me that 8 weeks before his first marathon he got really sick and still did well, at this point please don't think I am comparing myself to him!)

My experience at the doctors was surprisely good. It wasn't my regular doctor, I said that I was trying to train for a marathon and she mentioned that she was a runner and had completed Paris recently. She confirmed I had an infection between my lungs and throat, gave me an inhaler and told me to crack on with the training in a couple of days; just not allowed outside stay on the tread mill!
Seemed reasonable, her final comment was quite ammusing, she looked me up and down and said, "we don't look like runners, do we?" Must be medical humour...

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