Thursday, 21 January 2010

Try to move gracefully.....

I arranged a well needed gym session with Andy, after my long run and being sick over Christmas I needed to get back on track.

We did lots of stretching and movement exercises trying to get more flexibility in muscles and places that I didn't know I even had! It makes perfect sense that if I have limited movement in certain areas of my body, (toes, feet, ankles, calfs.... just keep working up) then graceful flowing movements aren't possible.
This is what these sessions really expose, but in a good way, it demonstrates how the body needs to move together.

Naturally we try to cheat if we can't or find it difficult to move one way, we'll do it another. Our brain knows that our muscle memory has done something in a certain way for so long, when it's challenged it doesn't like it and finds it very awkward particularly in my case!
The session was hard for me and I knew the next day was going to hurt, so the interval training I was due to do the next day I did straight after.

Interval training, treadmill: Gradient @ 2, 2 min jog at 7 - 8. 3 - 4 min faster 12 - 16 (x 6)
This was hard and great at the same time......

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