Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Couple of hard gym sessions.....

Had a reasonable rest over the weekend after the 20 mile run, I was quite proud of myself.
So, got to Monday and just went to the gym for a good stretch, pilates, swim and a session on the treadmill.
The session was a 2 mins jog then as fast as I could for 10 mins x 2.
This is quite a hard run but aimed to increase my speed, I enjoyed the hard work!

The day after I had a gym session with Andy, we were trying to work out why my knees had been aching so much into the long runs. We really concentrated movement, landing, posture and the whole flexibility - it was a hard session, but enjoyable.

The next couple of days felt very stiff and I certainly knew I done some hard work!

Friday, 19 February 2010

Made it over the 20 mile mark....

Day off from work, the obvious thing to do a 20 mile run!

Come on!!

Got up early had some breakfast, only a piece of toast and a cup of tea and I'm ready. It was a great morning really frosty but the sun was just peaking through. As previously advised, I only carried 1 water bottle.

It was a bit chilly for the first 10 minutes but then warmed up quite well.

I'd driven the route the day before to get an idea of the distance, it was a circle right around the outside of Yeovil, quite an up an down route of about 10 miles, so I needed to do it twice.

Route: Goldcroft, Combe Street Lane, Thorne Hill, Corpse Road, Lufton past the footy club, Crematorium Rd, Bunford Lane, West Coker Rd, Henford Hill, Nine Springs / Wyndom, Lyde Rd, past my old school and around again!

I quite enjoyed the run, stopping at various places to fill up my water bottle, much easier than carrying it all from the start!
It was hard towards the end my knee's were extremely achey, I must talk with Andy about this. I actually walked a little up the final hill which was slightly disappointing.

Overall though this has been a huge milestone for me, being able to run 20 miles is no mean feat!
It's an achievement and I must take the positive things from it.

My knees are the areas of my body which are hurting the most, the stretching classes may help this along with my core and breathing.

Time 3:25 hours and 20:25 miles.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Hills in Nine Springs with Sid....

It's half term at the moment so Sid is with my parents in Somerset, so I travelled down for a couple of days.

I needed to do some hills, not a long session just good steep hills. Sid doesn't normally come on the runs with me unless he is on his bike, but today as I was getting ready he asked to come along.
I was very pleased!

We drove down to a place called Nine Springs where I use to play lots, as a kid, parked grabbed our bits and set off. He's 9 and full of energy and of course doesn't stop talking!
It was really boggy and slippy, fantastic.

We made our way through to a horse jumping cross country area and a place where there's some good hills.

He sat down and timed me as I ran up and down about 6 hills, every now and then he would come and join in and help me to the top.

We then had a jog around for about half an hour - brilliant fun!

Monday, 15 February 2010

Don't load yourself up like a pack horse.....doh!!

On Monday evening I did a little session at the gym, I hadn't been feeling well so it was just stretch out after the weekend.

I did an interval training session, not really hard about 5 sets on the treadmill, then some stretches, a swim and the a sauna / steam.

I had a conversation with Andy when I was there, told him about my long run and my experiences.

When I was recounting my water bottle carrying issues, I could see a little rye smile about his face. At that moment I could see he was thinking, what an idiot!!

Of course Andy, is always very supportive and experienced, he suggested that it may be better not to carry all the water you require for a long run from start to finish. But to find stop off water points along the way! Yet another revelation for me, and surprisingly a common sense approach......

Friday, 12 February 2010

Not as many layers....just lots of bottles....

I managed the 18 miles, had to stop a mile in to shed some layers - after all the cold weather it was suddenly warmer! I left some clothes at a cafe in Englands Lane and told them I would be back in about 3 hours, they must of thought I was some kind of nutcase, but off I trotted; Wembley bound.

The route: Home, Kilburn, Kensel Green, then onto the canal heading towards Greenford - Wembley return journey towards Regents Park all along the canal, finishing via Camden and Kentish town.

I was carrying a lot of stuff, 2 water bottles and the normal other bits, it was quite uncomfortable and awkward. Throughout the run, I took 4 gels one at 50ish minutes and then the rest spread over the rest of the run. I made sure I was drinking on a regular basis.

It wasn't as cold as it has been so I was pleased not to be carrying or wearing a coat.

Summary: I'm pleased that I can actually run this far, it's along time to be out but rewarding.

Time 3:03hr and 18miles.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

New territory ahead.....

The last couple of days on the training schedule have been quiet, I did a Body Balance class (a mix between Thai Chi, Yoga and Pilates) followed by an hour of stretching on Tuesday. This is all suppose to be great for the core, easier to breath and fluid movements; I need all the help I can get!

Wednesday 20 miles on the bike finding a new running route, I wish I could cover the distance running as quickly as on the bike.

I'm not one to go on, but bloody hell, it's still stupidly cold.

I'm planning to do an 18 mile run either tomorrow or Saturday. I feel like a pack horse carrying water bottles, gels, additional clothes for when it's too cold, ipod to keep me sane, hat, gloves; I really am like a fully laden "Buckeroo" at the start of the game, one false move and I could loose everything!

I need to be out for about 3 hours, I really am getting into territory never known to this body. It's so much in the mind - just keep it positive and it's all 'cool and the gang' - literally (and weather conditions) speaking....

Monday, 8 February 2010

Wrapping up warm.....still....

I never use to be soft about the weather and the cold was not a issue for me, however, now it is.....
My run today, as I was working at home, lunchtime across the Heath, working hard up the hills, so most of the time then!

As always, well so it seems, it's all about the layers - I know the time will come when shorts and a t-shirt will be enough and then I can moan about it being too hot....not just yet.

It's always the way, when you get a couple of minutes into the run it's no problems, even though it was snowing it wasn't actually that cold. The Heath is great, it's as countryfied as London can be, I really love running through areas which are boggy, where I'm slipping around like a cartoon character my legs going one way and my body the other - it is a challenge just to stay on your feet sometimes. Better than just pounding the pavements.

I was out for a good hour working hard, trying to put it in hard up the hills....and realising that it's worth wrapping up and just getting out and doing it!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Overtaking....running fast.....

This weeks training was a little lighter than recently, therefore, my long run wasn't really a long run.

Route: Home, Gospel Oak, Primrose Hill, Regents Pk, Marylebone, Hyde Pk, High St. Ken and the through to Hammersmith.

Obviously, it was cold, still, (will it every warm up?) but it was dry. I really enjoyed this run, it was a faster pace than the longer runs I've been doing. I'd just made a new running playlist to listen to which is helping me on the long outings.

The run was about 9 miles around the 1:20 mark, ran really fast whenever I could. Even overtook other runners, hopefully not looking like a knob though!!

I'm just putting this blog together on a Monday lunchtime, looking outside and it's snowing, so I'm off for a quick run across the Heath; it's all about the layers.......

Monday, 1 February 2010

bendy, deep breathing woman...for the core

Another cold evening and a different run.

Felt good after the long run at the weekend and a class of pilates on Sunday morning, quite an experience, room full of stretching, bendy and deep breathing women and me! (well, it's all for the core....)

The run was warm up 5 -10 mins then run as fast / hard as I can for 10 mins jog for 3 -4 mins and then hard 10 again. Sounds easy, not really though I chose to run up to Highgate, Spanyards across the top of the Heath, down through Hampstead, Gospel Oak and home.

The first 10 was all up hill, quite hard but fun. The last bit was down hill and flat.
I enjoyed the run, nice to run fast, like you've just stolen something! (I don't condone stealing.....)