Monday, 1 February 2010

bendy, deep breathing woman...for the core

Another cold evening and a different run.

Felt good after the long run at the weekend and a class of pilates on Sunday morning, quite an experience, room full of stretching, bendy and deep breathing women and me! (well, it's all for the core....)

The run was warm up 5 -10 mins then run as fast / hard as I can for 10 mins jog for 3 -4 mins and then hard 10 again. Sounds easy, not really though I chose to run up to Highgate, Spanyards across the top of the Heath, down through Hampstead, Gospel Oak and home.

The first 10 was all up hill, quite hard but fun. The last bit was down hill and flat.
I enjoyed the run, nice to run fast, like you've just stolen something! (I don't condone stealing.....)

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