Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Hills in Nine Springs with Sid....

It's half term at the moment so Sid is with my parents in Somerset, so I travelled down for a couple of days.

I needed to do some hills, not a long session just good steep hills. Sid doesn't normally come on the runs with me unless he is on his bike, but today as I was getting ready he asked to come along.
I was very pleased!

We drove down to a place called Nine Springs where I use to play lots, as a kid, parked grabbed our bits and set off. He's 9 and full of energy and of course doesn't stop talking!
It was really boggy and slippy, fantastic.

We made our way through to a horse jumping cross country area and a place where there's some good hills.

He sat down and timed me as I ran up and down about 6 hills, every now and then he would come and join in and help me to the top.

We then had a jog around for about half an hour - brilliant fun!

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