Friday, 7 May 2010

Made it over the line, the start and finish - just!

Well I made it past the start line and then along time later, eventually past the finish line!

This was undoubtedly one of the most emotional, rewarding and exciting days of my 38 years. The ridiculous thing is that I want to do it all again! (not right now though).....

The day started with a train ride across to the start, surprisingly lots of other people on the tube - well not really over 30,000 other nutcase's doing thing same thing on a Sunday morning. Having watched the marathon on the tele for quite a few years I thought I would be overwhelmed by the size, it actually seemed smaller than I was expecting. This may be down to the fact that everyone was so friendly, the atmosphere was amazing, you could sense the nerves and excitement in equal measures, especially near the toilet blocks!

The weather wasn't too bad for the day, not quite as hot as forecast.

So, got on with the race and I had a plan. This was how it went:

From the very start people in the crowd are calling your name to encourage you, I was pleased that I had my name on my top.
It was a little daunting running in such large crowds, as I normally run on my own.

The first 5 miles just went on by as a warm up, I made sure that I was keeping to my plan nothing faster than 9:30 minute miles and making sure I was taking on good water when the stations were available; every mile.
I broke the race down into sections with certain milestones, got to 10 all good, then on to the half way stage in the time I wanted to conserve energy - 2:08, perfect timing. The next point for me to get to was mile 18, I knew at this point I would see Lynn and Sid in the City. The miles in between 13 - 18 were a little boring in some respect, I could see Canada Tower for miles then seemed to keep running around it, but I was really excited about seeing the 2 of them and I knew they would be as well. So, past the 17 mile marker really looking forward to seeing them, then through the 18 mile mark, I couldn't see anything from the Notting Hill group, no balloons, no banners or anything like that, loads and loads of supporters in this area, all shouting your name; but I was only interested in 2 voices - no good, I'd missed them!!
(I knew how disappointed and concerned they would be, at least I had something to occupy me!)

I was a little deflated for the next mile but was on good time so cracked-on. Still keeping to the time to reach my finish of under 4:25hr. Past the 19 mark and now onto 20, I knew that if I was feeling ok here I'd make it easy, well as easy as 26.2 miles is to run for the first time! I was feeling still quite strong, breathing, knees, nipples and not sunburnt - all good.

20 miles, for some reason in both calfs started to get just a slight twinge of cramp, this has never been a problem for me whilst running in all the training I've done. Had a little stretch and tried to run it off, it's bound to go soon, right?
It only got worse and worse and even worse.......what a nightmare.......I've planned for gels, water, chafing, even if I fall over......but bloody cramp!
Those last 6 miles were horrible, but there was no way that I wasn't going to finish. At mile 25 to my complete joy I saw Lynn and Sid - BRILLIANT! For them, relief and for me.....well....

Over those last miles, it was a huge mix of frustration and having to dig deep, physically I still felt alright, it was just that someone kept shooting me in both calfs. I could only run for about 5 minutes at a time.....but I made it!
My time was closer to 5 than 4:25.

Very proud, yet a little disappointed!

Ready for the next part of my journey, just haven't decided what it will be.......

Saturday, 24 April 2010

That's it....nothing more I can do!

Well, the eve before all that I've trained for over the last months. There has definitely been blood, sweat, tears, emotional and physical pain, so now it should be easy, right?

On Wednesday I made my way across to the Excel centre to register, got my name printed on my vest (a little concerned that the letters might effect my performance, additional weight you see!), collected my number and chip, that's it no backing out now.
I don't know if the event was meant to suppress my anxiety or feed it, it seemed to do both in equal least there's nearly 40, 000 other people feeling the same. My only real concern is just how hot it's going to be, but there's nothing I can do about that just take on lots of fluid the day before and during.

Of course I phoned Andy on the way back, who of course, settled my nerves with some sensible advice.

I managed to get a hat, it does look like a swimming cap but that's fine it should do a job. I also bought another undervest t-shirt. Got home and went for the final run before the race, just a short half an hour across to the Heath - HOT!
The new t-shirt I'd bought seems to rub me on the stitching so I won't be wearing that one!

So on the training front, all done, nothing more I can do just keep the stretching going and get my head right for the day.

Picked Sid up from school on Friday and drove back to London, Lynn had prepared our own pasta party at home - brilliant. The most important members of my support team are back together at the crucial time, without their help I could not have got anywhere near the stage I'm at now. When I think of the times when Sid was on his bike next to me, Sherborne Hill, Regents Park (being chased by dogs!), Camden canal runs and so many more, with him helping me - "Come on Daddy!" (and quite a few times of me pushing him up the hills).
Getting home and Lynn waiting with the drinks, toast and a hot bath.....trying to get me normal again.

The messages of support from my pals and everyone who has sponsored me have been amazing, it gives me a real boost.

Today is a relaxed day at home, kit checked, just sewed a pocket into my shorts for additional gels and try and keep my feet's really boring now, I just want to get it done!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Promised not to moan about the heat.....but!!

This whole clothing thing is driving me bloody mad!

So, I have a vest delivered with the Notting Hill Housing Trust bits on the front no problems, but now it's so hot and the forecasts are indicating it's going to be hot, if I just wear a vest I'll burn....yes really that hot!!
Now I have to find something to go underneath, to keep me cool; to keep warm, I'm your man!, I have so much stuff to keep me warm it's frightening, now I need stuff to keep me cold - nightmare!!!

And another hat, yes to keep me from getting sun burnt...brilliant.

Armed with my technical undervest (breathable you know, to help with performance, I just don't want to get burnt and avoid chaffing, yes chaffing and bleeding - football seemed so much more straight forward!), I took off for my run - an hour and a half in the heat.
Route: Home, Primrose Hill, 2 laps of Regents Pk, alternate ways, Camden and home.
9 miles, 1:25, no gels and no water - Hot!

The undervest and the hat seemed to do a job and will be essential if it's anywhere near the 18 degrees it was today, and of course lots of liquid!!

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Words of wisdom from Andy.....

Back to London with all of the New Forest events behind us, for a while!
To normality some would say, another way to look at it, the longer you stay in the country the more relaxed and accepting of the slowness you become.

Went for a run across the Heath on Tuesday, it does seem to be getting was a lunchtime run for about 5 - 6 miles, good fun.
My legs felt a little heavy and was a bit tired, need to make sure I rest properly.

I needed to see Andy as the days are getting closer. I saw him on Wednesday, we just sat and talked, for the best part of an hour and a half. He has been undoubtedly the most helpful, inspirational and honest influence on me throughout this journey; again his knowledge and direction is a real help to me.

I do actually have a decent level of common sense but this sometimes disappears with running so its just trying to get the simple things right.

Fluids, fuel, pacing, what time to arrive, toilet visits we covered them all.....and then I still had questions, but he's patient!

That was that; last session with him!

Friday, 9 April 2010

That's the reason I run!!

Well I thought that if I'm in the New Forest where better to do one of my final runs, but it's really hot - great!!

I packed myself off, with a couple of gels water bottle and no hat; how hot could it be?!
I knew the route I was taking was going to be hilly and exposed as Lynn and I drove it the night before.

It was absolutely fantastic to be running through the forest the scenery, the animals, the weather - all good.
My pace was round about the 9:20 mark for the first 5-6miles, then I went into another area called Bolder quite hilly and some fantastic house's, lovely place.

It made a great change to be running in the country instead of London, it also wets my appetite further for fell and countryside adventures after the city marathon, but lets get one challenge completed first!

I met up with some characters along the way, a group of walkers who fancied a race up a steep hill, thankfully did alright against them (quite pleased as they were carrying ruck sacks!) and a lovely man watering his garden who filled up my water bottle and didn't laugh at me, much, when I couldn't get the lid off! (must have swollen up in the heat....)

It doesn't happen many times to me but when it does its quite a brilliant feeling and that is the feeling of running whilst hardly moving. When you actually feel like you are floating along, it must be a similar feeling when a surfer catches the perfect wave, there are so many cliche's I could use but you get the picture. This lasted for a few miles and I just wanted to run and run!

If I enjoy the marathon anywhere near this run I'll be a very happy and lucky man.

In summary, 12.5 miles and a pace of 9:30 - 40 pace - Sunburnt head to-boot!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Not a bad 10k...and the Isle of White

It's a lovely sunny Sunday and I'm staying in Lymington, how refreshing that the sun is out!

Not a long run today, just various quicker spurts in between slower periods. The overall run was about 7 miles it was nice to see different scenery and views across to the Isle of White.

The 10k mark was about 55 minutes so not too bad, wish I could keep that pace up for 26.2 miles - maybe one day!!!

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Definite last long run....and close to tears!

The longest training run before D-day, well Big 'M-Day' is more like it!

I'd been looking forward to this run for a long time, I knew the route and it was a case of seeing if I was up to it:

Home down to Limehouse about 8 miles, then even further east towards Canary Warf, pick up the Thames pathway, Embankment, Westminster, Birdcage Walk, St. James (this is the final part of the marathon!), then Hyde Park, couple laps of the Serpentine, Marylebone, Regents Pk, then for some ridiculous reason over the top of Primrose Hill and home - 22.5miles, get in!!

I started off well, felt comfortable but had to slow down as the miles were a bit quick, I knew I'd pay for them later, so I tried to keep round the 9 - 9:30 per mile mark. Listening to Ministry Of Sound - Running Trax.

I've tried putting compilations of my own tunes together to try to think of certain people whilst running, this doesn't have a good effect on me, it's an emotional roller-coaster at the best of times on the long runs, the best thing for me to listen to is mind numbing banging tunes, this just keeps me away from those dark places!!!

I took 6 gels for the run and made sure to keep the water levels were well topped up, there were a few times when I felt hungry, 2 pieces of toast are not enough. I must fuel up's still a steep learning curve for me.

Running these distances on your own is hard work, the next time I train for something like this I think that I'll join a club or get a running / training partner.
Sid has been fantastic, but anything over 15 miles for a 9 year old on his bike is a little too hard, (and possibly Ester Ranson at Child Line would have something to say)...

It's a similar story for me on the long runs, periods of great times and other challenging times, overall though, incredibly rewarding. It's great to take yourself completely out of your comfort zone and this definitely does.
Throughout the run I keep checking to see how each part of my body feels, like a top to bottom MOT, it helps because the smallest adjustment really assists.
My knees gave me problems for a while, these didn't trouble me on this run and of course I was still concerned about the pull in my thigh, thankfully seemed ok.

I completed the run round about the 3:40 - 45 mark, of course I was pleased to have covered the distance.

So, got home had some peanut butter toast and a bath.
Physically didn't feel too bad, all things considered, but after getting out of the bath and reflecting about it, felt really emotional - this is a very alien feeling for me generally!

I was almost close to tears, I had to pull myself together and have a proper word with myself.....bloody hell.....nobody said this was going to be easy but this is madness!!!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Boggy and Sandy runs.....

The weeks running has been great, so far!

After the long run last week I've taken a little time for recovery and only run 3 times.
I woke up on Tuesday morning early, with the sun actually streaming through the window so how could I resist an hour running across the Heath. Still nice and boggy under foot, running past Kenwood House it doesn't get much better!

So I ran around, made it to the top of Parliament Hill and watched London wake up across the city, fantastic.
I then made it back home and made my way to the gym for an hour's session with Andy.

We had a movement and stretching session and he seems quite pleased with my flexibility and movement; I have been working hard since my injury in this area so I was chuffed with his comments.
We discussed the day of the marathon and all the preparation required, his experience and knowledge really, really helps me!
I have a huge amount of respect for everything he's achieved in his career and how he is as a person and communicator.

On Wednesday I had my friend from work staying, Colman, he's training for a 5k so we went for a short run into the Heath. Good fun.

Friday lunchtime run was great, I was in Dorset so was able to do a beach run.
I worked hard, the sand is hard work!

I did 3 sets of quicker pace than I would normally run between 8 & 12 minutes each with a 5 minute run in between, sounds easier than it was......

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Naked running, well nearly....22 miles!......

I only have 2 long runs left to do before the marathon so today was one of them!

I was aiming for round about the 22 mark, which just seems ridiculous from a couple of moths ago.

To be able to run with just a t-shirt and vest with no long shorts, it's almost like being naked, great!

So the route: I got the tube to Hammersmith, made my way down to Hyde Pk, down past Buck House weaving past the tourists, through the parks, Whitehall, Westminster and on to Embankment, all the way along the Thames path past Tower Bridge then the Tower. Eventually made it to Limehouse then back towards Victoria Pk, along the canal to Islington, Holloway Rd then a real teaser, Highgate Hill; maybe not the best way to finish!!

It was a bloody long way, but I did feel better than doing the 17 the other day, surprisingly.
There were spells where I felt comfortable, not too many, the first 4 - 5 miles are always taxing I don't know why?

I always run on my own which is obviously very solitary, it's nice to smile at other runners, (not everyone, in a mad staring fashion, you get arrested for that!) you get a little lift and sometimes a nod of acknowledgement, this definitely helps.

I'm really trying to concentrate on my technique attempting to reserve energy and be efficient, all the advice from Andy keeps going through my head. This has been an incredible adventure so far.

I took on lots of water and had 5 gels.

Overall, I'm pleased to have been able to cover the distance in about 3 & 3/4 hours, madness!!!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Really didn't like that, at all........

I should be much happier than I am with today's run, but I didn't enjoy it one little bit!

Prepared well, good stretching, piece of toast and off.
The route, well the suppose route: Home, Kings Cross, into the City down to Tower Bridge, along the Thames Pathway (west), Embankment, Hyde Park, St. Johns Wood, Primrose Hill and home.

Got lost around Commercial Rd, well didn't actual find Commercial Rd!
Ended up running around seeing all the sites Tower 42 and the Gerkin just trying to cut through to Tower Bridge, I eventually made it but by this time completely lost any intended rhythm.

It was good running the route that Sid and I had cycled last Saturday.

When I made it to Hyde Pk. I was feeling quite tired and lethargic again, had my second gel and cracked on. It wasn't cold just the odd spit of rain, quite good running weather, couldn't get it together.
I ploughed on but it was a slog, I was really pleased to get home and get in the bath!

In reflection, and after Andy giving me some experienced words!

1. I didn't get any pain or discomfort in my leg that has been injured.
2. Managed 17 miles under 10 mins pace.

"It's not always going to be fun, there will be good days and bad days. Some days it's just about getting the job done!"

Seems fair, I should be happy with that, ok I am!!!!

(still didn't like it.......)

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A tired hilly run....

Lunch time run today, the first try since my injury doing a run with varying speed.

Still cold, still need the layers, winter is hanging on by it's fingernails! Rubbish!!

The run was about 6.5 miles having spirt's for about a minute at a time just to see if the muscle had healed, it didn't feel too bad, I was a little nervous though.
I chose quite a hilly route, but that was my choice I ended up running through the Heath.

I felt lethargic and a breathless for some of the run, I hope I haven't lost too much fitness, my run on Monday seemed ok.
Perhaps it could have been that the day before I swam for 40 minutes, maybe I should have taken it a bit easier. I won't train on Thursday and do 16 on Friday and see how I feel.

Monday, 8 March 2010

An EASY 10 miler....

After a busy weekend I was looking forward to getting back training as it's only weeks to go now and not months!

It's been cold all day so 3 layers still needed but it is bright, the days are getting longer which is fantastic I'm really not a winter person.

So the route: Home, Kings Cross, Regents Canal towards Camden through Regents Pk onto Hyde Pk and then finish in Hammersmith.

My strict instructions from Andy, an EASY 10 miler!

I really enjoyed the run, the first 2 - 4 miles never seem that great but once you get going and get into a rhythm it's all good. I was conscious of my recent injury but thankfully it didn't trouble me, although this is still a constant pace, the injury seemed to arise when I was doing alternating pace. So I need to be aware of that the next time I do a fartlek session.

The pace was round about 9:30 per mile which felt quite comfortable, if I could maintain, or slightly improve on this for 26.2 miles I will be pleased!

In reflection, to be able to do a 10 mile run as an easy workout is a great achievement and I mustn't forget from where I have started. This may be the only marathon or long distance run I do, but I some how doubt it!

Still some hard work left, but lets start enjoying the training again!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Running by the sea and a boys bike ride....

I was in Dorset for the day so I took the opportunity to get a lunchtime run in along the beach at Mudeford. I was still having to take it easy and not run too hard.

The weather and the setting were fantastic it was actually warm! (I'm still dreading that my first marathon will be hot; it'll be a really cruel trick after all of the cold horrible weather through the winter!)

I ran along the beach which was either tarmac or sand, the sand is quite hard going but fun.

It was amazing to be running with the sun out and a bright, almost warm day. I only ran 5 miles (44mins) and the leg felt a little twingy a couple of times, but overall not bad.
It's good to be back running.

Over the weekend Sid came up to London, we did a bike ride as I couldn't run so was taking it easy. We had a brilliant time he is becoming really good and strong on his bike, we see the top of Canary Wharf from loads of places in London so decided to ride to it!

We went along the canal to LimeHouse then to Canada Tower then back along the Thames Pathway, taking in loads of sites on the way.

It was about a 20 mile bike ride and brilliant fun!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

More pain and a tube journey home!

The next run was due to be a shorter of a long run only 16 miles! How times have changed....

My programme should now be aimed a little more towards speed after my discussions with Andy; so this run is set out like this: 2 m normal pace, 3 m @ 8:45 pace x 3 over the 16 miles.
Route: The Limehouse basin run along the canal.

Started off on the run feeling really good, quite comfortable and a good pace, the 3 mile quicker pace is different but felt good - reach 5 under 44mins, pleased. Drinking well and taking gels when needed. I reached the half way point @ 1:11 hrs so my goal was to be back by 2:30hrs.

Got through the second quick session fine, it was really windy but nice to be out and enjoying the run! Then when I reached the 10 - 11 mile mark I felt an ache in my right thigh, so, gave it a good stretch and cracked-on, annoyingly this only got worse. I tried to run slower then quicker just trying to run it off, but it was not going, it felt like a dead leg and cramp mixed together - what a lovely combination!

By this point, I'm really pissed off! Running well, enjoying it and a stupid thing like this happens, did the normal things, stopped had a good stretch had some strong words with myself (the normal ones, "what would you do if this was the race, etc??!!" but genuinely no good).

I normally have money with me, but of course today, none!

I made it to the nearest tube, Highbury & Islington and pleaded with the guard to let me through to get a tube with no way to pay, he was good a gold and let me on. Eventually got home, very deflated, obviously. Had a bath and moped around for a bit alternating between peas and sweetcorn to try and bring out any bruising!

Next day got an appointment at Gavin's, my friendly osteopath - diagnosis strained abductor muscle, great - to quote "which is sticking out like a guitar string" - fantastic!
Had some great treatment (if you're into pain being inflicted upon you until someone needs to peal you off of the ceiling!) but at least we know what it is.

More recovery - another session with Gavin on Monday, some acupuncture this time, not quite as sore.

Gavin informs me that I've over done it, slightly!

All strapped up and ready to go.....

After about a million stretches over the past few days to make my "adductor" muscle better it was time for a 20 - 25 min run, just a couple of miles. So I had to strap myself up with a sticky crete bandage and I'm off!

I was a little sheepish as the last time running ended up with a tube journey, it felt alright, I only ran down to the Heath by the running track, then home.

It was all over so quickly!

Thankfully, seems ok, just need to be careful......

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Couple of hard gym sessions.....

Had a reasonable rest over the weekend after the 20 mile run, I was quite proud of myself.
So, got to Monday and just went to the gym for a good stretch, pilates, swim and a session on the treadmill.
The session was a 2 mins jog then as fast as I could for 10 mins x 2.
This is quite a hard run but aimed to increase my speed, I enjoyed the hard work!

The day after I had a gym session with Andy, we were trying to work out why my knees had been aching so much into the long runs. We really concentrated movement, landing, posture and the whole flexibility - it was a hard session, but enjoyable.

The next couple of days felt very stiff and I certainly knew I done some hard work!

Friday, 19 February 2010

Made it over the 20 mile mark....

Day off from work, the obvious thing to do a 20 mile run!

Come on!!

Got up early had some breakfast, only a piece of toast and a cup of tea and I'm ready. It was a great morning really frosty but the sun was just peaking through. As previously advised, I only carried 1 water bottle.

It was a bit chilly for the first 10 minutes but then warmed up quite well.

I'd driven the route the day before to get an idea of the distance, it was a circle right around the outside of Yeovil, quite an up an down route of about 10 miles, so I needed to do it twice.

Route: Goldcroft, Combe Street Lane, Thorne Hill, Corpse Road, Lufton past the footy club, Crematorium Rd, Bunford Lane, West Coker Rd, Henford Hill, Nine Springs / Wyndom, Lyde Rd, past my old school and around again!

I quite enjoyed the run, stopping at various places to fill up my water bottle, much easier than carrying it all from the start!
It was hard towards the end my knee's were extremely achey, I must talk with Andy about this. I actually walked a little up the final hill which was slightly disappointing.

Overall though this has been a huge milestone for me, being able to run 20 miles is no mean feat!
It's an achievement and I must take the positive things from it.

My knees are the areas of my body which are hurting the most, the stretching classes may help this along with my core and breathing.

Time 3:25 hours and 20:25 miles.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Hills in Nine Springs with Sid....

It's half term at the moment so Sid is with my parents in Somerset, so I travelled down for a couple of days.

I needed to do some hills, not a long session just good steep hills. Sid doesn't normally come on the runs with me unless he is on his bike, but today as I was getting ready he asked to come along.
I was very pleased!

We drove down to a place called Nine Springs where I use to play lots, as a kid, parked grabbed our bits and set off. He's 9 and full of energy and of course doesn't stop talking!
It was really boggy and slippy, fantastic.

We made our way through to a horse jumping cross country area and a place where there's some good hills.

He sat down and timed me as I ran up and down about 6 hills, every now and then he would come and join in and help me to the top.

We then had a jog around for about half an hour - brilliant fun!

Monday, 15 February 2010

Don't load yourself up like a pack horse.....doh!!

On Monday evening I did a little session at the gym, I hadn't been feeling well so it was just stretch out after the weekend.

I did an interval training session, not really hard about 5 sets on the treadmill, then some stretches, a swim and the a sauna / steam.

I had a conversation with Andy when I was there, told him about my long run and my experiences.

When I was recounting my water bottle carrying issues, I could see a little rye smile about his face. At that moment I could see he was thinking, what an idiot!!

Of course Andy, is always very supportive and experienced, he suggested that it may be better not to carry all the water you require for a long run from start to finish. But to find stop off water points along the way! Yet another revelation for me, and surprisingly a common sense approach......

Friday, 12 February 2010

Not as many layers....just lots of bottles....

I managed the 18 miles, had to stop a mile in to shed some layers - after all the cold weather it was suddenly warmer! I left some clothes at a cafe in Englands Lane and told them I would be back in about 3 hours, they must of thought I was some kind of nutcase, but off I trotted; Wembley bound.

The route: Home, Kilburn, Kensel Green, then onto the canal heading towards Greenford - Wembley return journey towards Regents Park all along the canal, finishing via Camden and Kentish town.

I was carrying a lot of stuff, 2 water bottles and the normal other bits, it was quite uncomfortable and awkward. Throughout the run, I took 4 gels one at 50ish minutes and then the rest spread over the rest of the run. I made sure I was drinking on a regular basis.

It wasn't as cold as it has been so I was pleased not to be carrying or wearing a coat.

Summary: I'm pleased that I can actually run this far, it's along time to be out but rewarding.

Time 3:03hr and 18miles.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

New territory ahead.....

The last couple of days on the training schedule have been quiet, I did a Body Balance class (a mix between Thai Chi, Yoga and Pilates) followed by an hour of stretching on Tuesday. This is all suppose to be great for the core, easier to breath and fluid movements; I need all the help I can get!

Wednesday 20 miles on the bike finding a new running route, I wish I could cover the distance running as quickly as on the bike.

I'm not one to go on, but bloody hell, it's still stupidly cold.

I'm planning to do an 18 mile run either tomorrow or Saturday. I feel like a pack horse carrying water bottles, gels, additional clothes for when it's too cold, ipod to keep me sane, hat, gloves; I really am like a fully laden "Buckeroo" at the start of the game, one false move and I could loose everything!

I need to be out for about 3 hours, I really am getting into territory never known to this body. It's so much in the mind - just keep it positive and it's all 'cool and the gang' - literally (and weather conditions) speaking....

Monday, 8 February 2010

Wrapping up warm.....still....

I never use to be soft about the weather and the cold was not a issue for me, however, now it is.....
My run today, as I was working at home, lunchtime across the Heath, working hard up the hills, so most of the time then!

As always, well so it seems, it's all about the layers - I know the time will come when shorts and a t-shirt will be enough and then I can moan about it being too hot....not just yet.

It's always the way, when you get a couple of minutes into the run it's no problems, even though it was snowing it wasn't actually that cold. The Heath is great, it's as countryfied as London can be, I really love running through areas which are boggy, where I'm slipping around like a cartoon character my legs going one way and my body the other - it is a challenge just to stay on your feet sometimes. Better than just pounding the pavements.

I was out for a good hour working hard, trying to put it in hard up the hills....and realising that it's worth wrapping up and just getting out and doing it!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Overtaking....running fast.....

This weeks training was a little lighter than recently, therefore, my long run wasn't really a long run.

Route: Home, Gospel Oak, Primrose Hill, Regents Pk, Marylebone, Hyde Pk, High St. Ken and the through to Hammersmith.

Obviously, it was cold, still, (will it every warm up?) but it was dry. I really enjoyed this run, it was a faster pace than the longer runs I've been doing. I'd just made a new running playlist to listen to which is helping me on the long outings.

The run was about 9 miles around the 1:20 mark, ran really fast whenever I could. Even overtook other runners, hopefully not looking like a knob though!!

I'm just putting this blog together on a Monday lunchtime, looking outside and it's snowing, so I'm off for a quick run across the Heath; it's all about the layers.......

Monday, 1 February 2010

bendy, deep breathing woman...for the core

Another cold evening and a different run.

Felt good after the long run at the weekend and a class of pilates on Sunday morning, quite an experience, room full of stretching, bendy and deep breathing women and me! (well, it's all for the core....)

The run was warm up 5 -10 mins then run as fast / hard as I can for 10 mins jog for 3 -4 mins and then hard 10 again. Sounds easy, not really though I chose to run up to Highgate, Spanyards across the top of the Heath, down through Hampstead, Gospel Oak and home.

The first 10 was all up hill, quite hard but fun. The last bit was down hill and flat.
I enjoyed the run, nice to run fast, like you've just stolen something! (I don't condone stealing.....)

Friday, 29 January 2010

Stop press....better food helps you run!

My choice this week was either an easy 10 - 12 or keep going with a longer run so I went for the longer run, obviously.

Throughout the week I'd eaten differently, by adding more carbs into my diet, I didn't want to feel the way I did at the end of last weeks long run. Prepared well enough the night before and woke up looking forward to the outing, I was hoping not to need as many layers.

The day before I'd been into the running shop, as I do need new trainers, (I'm conscious that my next pair will be the ones I cross the finishing line in, well hopefully, at least the start line!) I also needed some gels.

The guys in the shop were really helpful and supportive, all moaning about January and the hope of a brighter, dryer and warmer February. I bought some new gels, natural, supposedly.
January seems to be a difficult month for people training, I spoke to Maria, a friend, who did the marathon a few years ago. She said that she found it a slog, it was just good to talk to someone else about the same type of emotions, mentally and physically.

It had snowed over night, but only a little. it was a fabulous day fresh and blue sky. So, off I set, full of porridge and treacle.....

My route - Home, Kings Cross, Canal towards Camden, Maida Vale, down to Hyde Park then return via Regents Park, Camden and home.

Summary of the run was overall better than last week, my knees were slightly sore again towards the end of the run again but that may well be that I need new trainers. My intake of water was better, I hadn't really drunk much in the first hour but I did this time and had a gel at about 50 mins.

I drank about 1200ml of water, the new gels were vile though!

This was probably the closest I'd come to being sick, after the second I was dreading the third, not good, need to find something else or have something different in my stomach than porridge. The combination of all that ingredients being mixed and swirled isn't nice and the thought of seeing it again is even worse!

16 miles again round about 2:40 therefore, just over 10min miles, getting better.

When I got home, ate lots of toast and good food throughout the rest of the day, what a miracle that I felt quite good......

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Heath hill time....

After the events of the weekend I had a new type of run to introduce into my training program.
Hill work in the Heath.

The weather is still cold but typically English, the Heath is a great place to be either exercising or just exploring. The run was a 15 min warm up, then hills. I did 5 rather hard but decent runs, they were no longer than 3 min each but challenging.

It was a 45min outing, very rainy.

I'll need to improve, obviously it's hard work but it will make me stronger - well that's the plan!

Wake up call...and being an idiot!

To say that I was aching all over, obviously my legs mostly, from my session on Thursday was a little under statement.

The fun side of this is in little supply at the moment I'm having to dig deep.
2 sore days and now time for a long run.

Ran Sat am, 23.1.10.
For breakfast tea, porridge, honey and blueberry's. I knew a little more what to expect today and the route was the same as last week, down to Limehouse basin again.
This time I was prepared with 2 bottles of water 500ml each and 4 gels. I purposely didn't keep an eye on my watch for time, I know the miles at certain points so just cracked on. I had my first gel and drink round about 5 miles and was feeling comfortable there were lots of people running along the canal. I wore a long sleeved top, t-shirt and the new windstop jacket, I took the jacket off at 5 miles - too hot. (somehow at this point managed to loose a bottle of water, idiot! school boy error....)

Well, the halfway point arrived quicker than I thought, I had another gel. Luckily I was able to fill my bottle up again at a dentist, result. I was under 1:18, quite pleased. The return leg was good, I was feeling pretty well, I had another gel with about 5 to go, this one made me feel a bit sick.

Came out of the canal into Islington and my knees started to become sore, really aching. With about 2 miles to go I had to keep stopping and stretching and rubbing them, disappointing.

I got to the shop grabbed a muffin and a fizzy drink then dragged my carcass up the hill home. I was pleased with my time 2:42 and 16 miles.

Now, here are my ridiculous mistakes:
1. Not eating any carbs for the best part of 5 days to try and loose some more weight.
2. Hardly eating anything for 4 hours after a run, when you've burnt nearly a 1000 calories.

We went out for some food in the evening but by this point I wasn't feeling well, what a surprise....I did eat but I think the damage was done.

It's taken me probably 3 days to get back to feeling nearly normal again but this has been a little bit of a wake up call, get a grip.....

This is my first attempt at a race of this distance, I'm not a full time athlete and work hard and have lots of other commitments. (it's just I want to do well, not win the damn thing, just really enjoy the day. I just don't do things by half which is the problem).

I'm ready now to go out for the next's like an addiction......but needs to be a fun and heathy one.....

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Try to move gracefully.....

I arranged a well needed gym session with Andy, after my long run and being sick over Christmas I needed to get back on track.

We did lots of stretching and movement exercises trying to get more flexibility in muscles and places that I didn't know I even had! It makes perfect sense that if I have limited movement in certain areas of my body, (toes, feet, ankles, calfs.... just keep working up) then graceful flowing movements aren't possible.
This is what these sessions really expose, but in a good way, it demonstrates how the body needs to move together.

Naturally we try to cheat if we can't or find it difficult to move one way, we'll do it another. Our brain knows that our muscle memory has done something in a certain way for so long, when it's challenged it doesn't like it and finds it very awkward particularly in my case!
The session was hard for me and I knew the next day was going to hurt, so the interval training I was due to do the next day I did straight after.

Interval training, treadmill: Gradient @ 2, 2 min jog at 7 - 8. 3 - 4 min faster 12 - 16 (x 6)
This was hard and great at the same time......

Monday, 18 January 2010

Muddy Heath lunchtime run......

I was a little stiff from the long run at the weekend, I tried to take it easy but it was an action packed couple of days with Sid.

Worked from home on Monday so I was able to put some gear on, only 2 layers, brilliant, and go out for an hour across the Heath. The run was to work hard up the hills, it was a great day, still boggy under foot lots of slipping and sliding, puddles and mud, I just ran as fast as I could and as hard as I could.
Those short periods when you're running and everything seems to be working well, almost like you're flying, just the best feelings. I really hope that I can get the same feelings when doing much longer runs. The run was past the ponds, up to Kenwood House out through the top over kite hill.

About a year ago we were walking in the Heath and we stopped to watch this older lady runner, she would start at the bottom by the playground and run straight up the steep hill to where the seats are.
(This is a hill which Sid and I would run down as fast as our legs would carry us, sometimes I could actually get both of his legs off the ground a fabulous memory.)
This lady did this run at least 10 times before we walked on, her stamina was amazing, not fast but true grit.

At the end of my run I did that hill, it is hard, burning legs hard! So every time I do that same type of run I'm going to run up that hill 2 more times......

Friday, 15 January 2010

Book review and banging house.....

Over the past year I've made an effort to try and read more books, so I have.
Many books about many different things, then people hear you are training and inevitably people buy you books about running. Lynn's mum buys me great books, books that I would never choose myself and some that I leave on the shelf for ages and then pick it up and can't put it down!

For Christmas she bought me a book by 'Haruki Murakami' 'What I talk about when I talk about running' I mentioned this to Andy, he's read it and was interested to know my thoughts. Both he and I are coming from completely different directions, me just starting my running journey and Andy who's incredibly experienced and knows everything!

As a novice runner it's great to hear experience's that other people have had, the periods when you run a long distance or you are running for a long time, the 2 aren't always related at my stage, yet. The thoughts that you have are sometimes dark, doubtful, tremendous highs, just mixed.....but after reading the book it gave me some reflective answers. I tried to pool the good thoughts and experiences from his long career of running and working and enjoyed his explainations. The description when running 'like a river flowing...ect' good thoughts.
It's important to remember we are lucky to have choices. (Sorry, all got a bit emotional there!)

Well, my curiosity and bloody mindedness was getting the better of me, the longest run so far has been 15 so I though I would try 16.

Route: Home, Archway, Holloway Road, Islington, Camden Passage and onto the Canal, down to Limehouse Basin (8 miles) and return the same way.

I did it!

I was obviously pleased, for the first time I wore my ipod, listened to old tunes for the first hour and a half, they became a little mealancholy and weren't helping so then found some banging house! I don't know if they helped but they took my mind off things.

I don't know if I'll wear it again, I'm just trying different things. More seriously, I quite enjoyed it, it's better knowing the distance and route, the last long run, I ran out of miles and had to run in a circle for 2 miles, not good.

I took 3 gels and drank 2 x 500ml of water, could of done with more water.

Time: 2:45 Distance: 16.00 Average 10:30

Summary: Pleased to have covered the distance, it was slow yet satisfying.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

It's oh, so warm inside.....

It's been a difficult couple of weeks, the whole family Christmas thing and feeling sick really hasn't helped my state of mind for training. But as always, crack on!

I've had to train inside due to my chest infection, so over the past week and a half I've been like a hamster in a wheel; only my wheel has been a treadmill.

I started off gradually just an easy-ish 30 minutes at just over 5k, then a little swimming.
Over the next few days as I started to feel better I increased the sessions up to 1.5hour and included some interval training when things were becoming monotonous. I did about 4 - 5 gym sessions, spoke to Andy a couple of times and now want to get outside again. It's still really rubbish weather though.

Since I've lost a couple of stone and I am actually getting older (hard to admit, mentally of course I'm still 21) I'm really feeling the cold, I know this sounds increadibly soft! It's just that I have never felt the cold, I found myself becoming one of those people who's concerned what it's like outside before training. I've had to have a strong word with myself, as my pal Povall tells me "there's no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing", that makes some sense.

So now I'm ready to see how much fitness I've lost with a decent run......

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Stopped work and got sick....

So I did my longest run so far 15 miles, had a great session with Andy and asked him to do me a hard programme for the Christmas period....and got sick!

I suppose it was inevitable, I'd been working long hours and training quite hard so my body was just saying, right listen now time just to chill for a while.

Now of course the normal thing to do is to give in and get better, this is just the opposite to what I did! My take on feeling poorly was to try and train outside in the freezing weather and show my cold/flu that I could beat it...that'll show it. The more I tried to train the worse I became, my performance was rubbish I could hardly breath, and the cold weather felt like someone was squeezing my chest in a vice. See, that certainly showed that cold...all the way to a chest infection...well done Trad.

Even when I knew I was still feeling rubbish I was concerned about going to the doctors in case they gave me antibiotics...I asked Andy's advice and true to form he reassured me...'go to the doctors and get better properly'; in summary! (He told me that 8 weeks before his first marathon he got really sick and still did well, at this point please don't think I am comparing myself to him!)

My experience at the doctors was surprisely good. It wasn't my regular doctor, I said that I was trying to train for a marathon and she mentioned that she was a runner and had completed Paris recently. She confirmed I had an infection between my lungs and throat, gave me an inhaler and told me to crack on with the training in a couple of days; just not allowed outside stay on the tread mill!
Seemed reasonable, her final comment was quite ammusing, she looked me up and down and said, "we don't look like runners, do we?" Must be medical humour...