Friday, 7 May 2010
Made it over the line, the start and finish - just!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
That's it....nothing more I can do!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Promised not to moan about the heat.....but!!
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Words of wisdom from Andy.....
Friday, 9 April 2010
That's the reason I run!!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Not a bad 10k...and the Isle of White
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Definite last long run....and close to tears!
Friday, 26 March 2010
Boggy and Sandy runs.....
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Naked running, well nearly....22 miles!......
Friday, 12 March 2010
Really didn't like that, at all........
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
A tired hilly run....
Monday, 8 March 2010
An EASY 10 miler....
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Running by the sea and a boys bike ride....
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
More pain and a tube journey home!
All strapped up and ready to go.....
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Couple of hard gym sessions.....
Friday, 19 February 2010
Made it over the 20 mile mark....
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Hills in Nine Springs with Sid....
Monday, 15 February 2010
Don't load yourself up like a pack horse.....doh!!
Friday, 12 February 2010
Not as many layers....just lots of bottles....
I managed the 18 miles, had to stop a mile in to shed some layers - after all the cold weather it was suddenly warmer! I left some clothes at a cafe in Englands Lane and told them I would be back in about 3 hours, they must of thought I was some kind of nutcase, but off I trotted; Wembley bound.
The route: Home, Kilburn, Kensel Green, then onto the canal heading towards Greenford - Wembley return journey towards Regents Park all along the canal, finishing via Camden and Kentish town.
I was carrying a lot of stuff, 2 water bottles and the normal other bits, it was quite uncomfortable and awkward. Throughout the run, I took 4 gels one at 50ish minutes and then the rest spread over the rest of the run. I made sure I was drinking on a regular basis.
It wasn't as cold as it has been so I was pleased not to be carrying or wearing a coat.
Summary: I'm pleased that I can actually run this far, it's along time to be out but rewarding.
Time 3:03hr and 18miles.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
New territory ahead.....
Monday, 8 February 2010
Wrapping up warm.....still....
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Overtaking....running fast.....
Monday, 1 February 2010
bendy, deep breathing woman...for the core
Friday, 29 January 2010
Stop press....better food helps you run!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Heath hill time....
Wake up call...and being an idiot!
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Try to move gracefully.....
Monday, 18 January 2010
Muddy Heath lunchtime run......
Worked from home on Monday so I was able to put some gear on, only 2 layers, brilliant, and go out for an hour across the Heath. The run was to work hard up the hills, it was a great day, still boggy under foot lots of slipping and sliding, puddles and mud, I just ran as fast as I could and as hard as I could.
Those short periods when you're running and everything seems to be working well, almost like you're flying, just the best feelings. I really hope that I can get the same feelings when doing much longer runs. The run was past the ponds, up to Kenwood House out through the top over kite hill.
About a year ago we were walking in the Heath and we stopped to watch this older lady runner, she would start at the bottom by the playground and run straight up the steep hill to where the seats are.
(This is a hill which Sid and I would run down as fast as our legs would carry us, sometimes I could actually get both of his legs off the ground a fabulous memory.)
This lady did this run at least 10 times before we walked on, her stamina was amazing, not fast but true grit.
At the end of my run I did that hill, it is hard, burning legs hard! So every time I do that same type of run I'm going to run up that hill 2 more times......
Friday, 15 January 2010
Book review and banging house.....
Many books about many different things, then people hear you are training and inevitably people buy you books about running. Lynn's mum buys me great books, books that I would never choose myself and some that I leave on the shelf for ages and then pick it up and can't put it down!
For Christmas she bought me a book by 'Haruki Murakami' 'What I talk about when I talk about running' I mentioned this to Andy, he's read it and was interested to know my thoughts. Both he and I are coming from completely different directions, me just starting my running journey and Andy who's incredibly experienced and knows everything!
As a novice runner it's great to hear experience's that other people have had, the periods when you run a long distance or you are running for a long time, the 2 aren't always related at my stage, yet. The thoughts that you have are sometimes dark, doubtful, tremendous highs, just mixed.....but after reading the book it gave me some reflective answers. I tried to pool the good thoughts and experiences from his long career of running and working and enjoyed his explainations. The description when running 'like a river flowing...ect' good thoughts.
It's important to remember we are lucky to have choices. (Sorry, all got a bit emotional there!)
Well, my curiosity and bloody mindedness was getting the better of me, the longest run so far has been 15 so I though I would try 16.
Route: Home, Archway, Holloway Road, Islington, Camden Passage and onto the Canal, down to Limehouse Basin (8 miles) and return the same way.
I did it!
I was obviously pleased, for the first time I wore my ipod, listened to old tunes for the first hour and a half, they became a little mealancholy and weren't helping so then found some banging house! I don't know if they helped but they took my mind off things.
I don't know if I'll wear it again, I'm just trying different things. More seriously, I quite enjoyed it, it's better knowing the distance and route, the last long run, I ran out of miles and had to run in a circle for 2 miles, not good.
I took 3 gels and drank 2 x 500ml of water, could of done with more water.
Time: 2:45 Distance: 16.00 Average 10:30
Summary: Pleased to have covered the distance, it was slow yet satisfying.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
It's oh, so warm inside.....
I've had to train inside due to my chest infection, so over the past week and a half I've been like a hamster in a wheel; only my wheel has been a treadmill.
I started off gradually just an easy-ish 30 minutes at just over 5k, then a little swimming.
Over the next few days as I started to feel better I increased the sessions up to 1.5hour and included some interval training when things were becoming monotonous. I did about 4 - 5 gym sessions, spoke to Andy a couple of times and now want to get outside again. It's still really rubbish weather though.
Since I've lost a couple of stone and I am actually getting older (hard to admit, mentally of course I'm still 21) I'm really feeling the cold, I know this sounds increadibly soft! It's just that I have never felt the cold, I found myself becoming one of those people who's concerned what it's like outside before training. I've had to have a strong word with myself, as my pal Povall tells me "there's no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing", that makes some sense.
So now I'm ready to see how much fitness I've lost with a decent run......
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Stopped work and got sick....
I suppose it was inevitable, I'd been working long hours and training quite hard so my body was just saying, right listen now time just to chill for a while.
Now of course the normal thing to do is to give in and get better, this is just the opposite to what I did! My take on feeling poorly was to try and train outside in the freezing weather and show my cold/flu that I could beat it...that'll show it. The more I tried to train the worse I became, my performance was rubbish I could hardly breath, and the cold weather felt like someone was squeezing my chest in a vice. See, that certainly showed that cold...all the way to a chest infection...well done Trad.
Even when I knew I was still feeling rubbish I was concerned about going to the doctors in case they gave me antibiotics...I asked Andy's advice and true to form he reassured me...'go to the doctors and get better properly'; in summary! (He told me that 8 weeks before his first marathon he got really sick and still did well, at this point please don't think I am comparing myself to him!)
My experience at the doctors was surprisely good. It wasn't my regular doctor, I said that I was trying to train for a marathon and she mentioned that she was a runner and had completed Paris recently. She confirmed I had an infection between my lungs and throat, gave me an inhaler and told me to crack on with the training in a couple of days; just not allowed outside stay on the tread mill!
Seemed reasonable, her final comment was quite ammusing, she looked me up and down and said, "we don't look like runners, do we?" Must be medical humour...